Davin Healthcare Workforce Solutions
Employee Spotlight | 2 min read

Why Travel Nursing: Dominic's Story

Date published: March 28, 2018

At Stat Staff, we often reach out to nurses and allied health professionals to learn more about their experiences on the front lines of the healthcare industry.

Dominic stopped by the office to share his story about why he left the nursing industry, but then ultimately returned.  Watch above.

Stat Staff is always looking for nurses and allied healthcare professionals to share their experiences.  Message us to tell your story.

Why Travel Nursing: Dominic's Story (Transcript)

"When my first child was maybe three or four, I had been working nights in a hospital for about six years and I really loved it but the overnights were I couldn't do it anymore. So I decided to go work for an insurance company in an office and that lasted about two years.

Every day I kept thinking about how in the hospital and in the ER, there were sick people there who needed my attention and all these things were going on without me and I could be there if I wanted to. And I kept thinking about the days off and the weekends and the holiday and the overnights and all these things. It just seemed impossible for me to go back to the hospital.

But I'd met a friend who worked for Stat Staff, I just happened to run into him. And he told me about the opportunities that Stat Staff had afforded him and he had more going on in his personal life than I did. He had two children and he had just bought a house and he was in school.

So I said well if this is working for him it could certainly work for me. Took me a couple months of speaking back and forth to folks who worked here. Until I finally decided it would be a good decision because I was very comfortable where I was what I wasn't happy I'm really glad that I did make the decision because now I'm both comfortable and happy."

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