Davin Healthcare Workforce Solutions
| 2 min read

My Educational Journey Throughout Europe

Date published: July 30, 2018

Stat Staff Professionals places a high value on education; as an employee, I have had the opportunity to utilize the tuition reimbursement program to pursue my Masters in Business Administration through SUNY Albany. As an MBA student, I am learning about a multitude of disciplines focusing on issues many businesses face, as well as tactics and solutions to help mitigate challenges in the workforce. In conjunction with our international business module, myself and my seventeen cohort members recently visited Slovakia, Austria, and Hungary to learn about international business practices first hand. We were fortunate enough to meet with eight different companies to learn more about the challenges they face as well as the way business is conducted in their respective countries.   

Although Stat Staff Professionals is not currently an international corporation, there were many highlights from my experiences abroad that I felt could be applied to any business regardless of its location. Most namely was the importance of perspective and empathy; no matter where you go or what business you are in, everyone you encounter is going to have a unique story and experience, and it is important to be mindful of that so as not to impart bias that could skew your understanding. This is especially important in business development, as new customers, employees, and contacts are all going to have different challenges that they have faced and backgrounds that are going to shape them. As a business in healthcare, empathy is exceedingly important, so Stat Staff Professionals has an advantage in this area as it is a core value of the corporation at large.

For many of the businesses we met with abroad, the primary challenge stemmed from the end of the communist regime in the early 1990’s and the start of privatization. Their understanding of how their governmental changes have been impacting business practices, as well as the economy, was unlike anything I could have fathomed. Having grown up in a free market economy, I can only empathize with the challenges many of these companies have been facing through this transition. It serves as a reminder that policy changes can have very real impacts on the way business is conducted, and it is important to remain flexible and dynamic to be ready for any unexpected changes that may arise to stay competitive. This also is true for healthcare in the United States; at any given time, our government could pass legislation that directly impacts the way we conduct business, so it is extremely important to create an environment that focuses on innovative solutions and embraces change.

My experience in both my program and abroad serves as a reminder of how fortunate I am to work for a company that is invested in my growth and is also progressive enough to realize that knowledge is power. To be competitive in the business sector being up to date with best business practices and topics is essential for growth. Stat Staff Professionals is a leader among its competitors as it is constantly encouraging its staff to seek education opportunities so that we can provide the best service possible.  

-Katherine Gaynor, CHP (Stat Staff’s Payroll Lead)

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